Don't get me wrong, for a while I enjoyed being privvy to the in-fighting of property managers and heads of security etc. But after asking them to dis-include my email several times, I had to get RPG on them. I reply-all'd this today:
"Hello Adventurers,
I am not the Joe Conway you seek, but I am wise and vengeful. For each condo-related message I continue to receive I will banish one member of the sender's family to a magical land of frost and dinosaurs. I will leave clues that they might find their way to a portal which will return them to the very moment they were banished and wipe their memories of the incident. Though this will go unnoticed by you and them, the emotional scars will return in untold ways later in life.
As fellow adventurers I suspect you will not object to this most fair challenge.
See you in the land of gravy-pasta.
Joe Conway"
We'll see if they're afraid of my magic (it is strong).